Spaghetti With Eggs

Spaghetti With Eggs

Whew. How’s your week been? Here at the Mid-Century Menu, things have been a little crazy. Maybe it is spring, or a full moon or something, but things here have just been going wrong left and right.   I am just glad that we got the computer back.  We got the same...
Macaroni Stroganoff

Macaroni Stroganoff

Hello all my little Mid-Modlets! It is that spine-tinglingly, lip-smackingly exciting time again! You THINK I am going to say “Time for the Mid-Century Menu”, but I have to say it is even more exciting than that. It’s Spam time.  Oh yes. And the Spam...
Mexican Spaghetti

Mexican Spaghetti

Welcome again to another exciting, spine-tingling episode of the Mid-Century Menu.  This is a great one for two reasons.  Well…three actually. The first reason is that Sara and her husband Mike helped us make this Menu.  So it was tons of fun.  The second is...