by RetroRuth | Aug 28, 2019 | Appetizers, Cocktail Party
So, Alex has gone back to school. And I am totally having a “Momma Moment” over it. Which was a surprise to me, because I never really had my “Momma Moment” when she went to kindergarten! So, because of that surprise, this week we are having some Surprise Dip. From...
by RetroRuth | Nov 16, 2016 | Beans, Best & Worst, Holiday, Side Dishes & Salads, Thanksgiving, The BEST
This recipe is a fantastic alternative if you can’t stand the traditional cream of mushroom soup version of green bean casserole. I can’t, and this has seriously saved me. Enjoy! I hope everyone has a nice big, traditional meal planned this year! Because I...
by RetroRuth | Nov 27, 2013 | Holiday, Side Dishes & Salads, Thanksgiving, Vegetables
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a nice big, traditional meal planned this year! Because I don’t. Well, I guess we are having turkey, Vincent Price’s Pumpkin Pie and Mystery Pecan Pie, but in my family we don’t normally make bread stuffing or sweet potatoes...
by RetroRuth | Mar 6, 2013 | Contests, Fish, Main Dishes
This week I dug into the archive specifically looking for a recipe that looked like it was going to be terrible, but ended up tasting good. I found it in Deviled String Beans and Tuna, Tom’s Pick from our “Sing A Tune To Tuna” contest. This post originally ran in...
by RetroRuth | Aug 24, 2011 | Contests, Fish, The BEST
This is the reason that Tom and I make crazy vintage recipes. Because everyone once in a while, a horrible, disgusting-looking recipe will be made. And it will turn out well. Like this one: Deviled String Beans and Tuna, which was submitted by Amy. Congratulations,...