
So, Alex has gone back to school. And I am totally having a “Momma Moment” over it. Which was a surprise to me, because I never really had my “Momma Moment” when she went to kindergarten! So, because of that surprise, this week we are having some Surprise Dip.



From Consumer's Power Holiday Cookbook, 1971

Tested Recipe!


 1 cup canned green beans, well-drained
 1 ½ tsp milk
 8 oz softened cream cheese
 1 tbsp dried parsley, or 5 sprigs fresh parsley
 1 tsp salt
 ½ tsp wine vinegar
 few drops Tabasco sauce


Place green beans and milk in a blender container. Cover and blend on medium speed until smooth. Add cream cheese, parsley, seasoned salt, wine vinegar, and Tabasco sauce and blend until combined. Chill. Serve with chips or crackers.
Yield: 1 1/2 cups


 1 cup canned green beans, well-drained
 1 ½ tsp milk
 8 oz softened cream cheese
 1 tbsp dried parsley, or 5 sprigs fresh parsley
 1 tsp salt
 ½ tsp wine vinegar
 few drops Tabasco sauce



Place green beans and milk in a blender container. Cover and blend on medium speed until smooth. Add cream cheese, parsley, seasoned salt, wine vinegar, and Tabasco sauce and blend until combined. Chill. Serve with chips or crackers.
Yield: 1 1/2 cups


Surprise Dip

Have you figured out its disgusting secret yet?


Freaking canned green beans. Blargh! I’ve actually had nightmares where it has been all apocalypse-y, and all I’ve had left to eat are canned green beans. (Probably because of The Road (Freaky!) and World War Z (Slightly less freaky!)

Now that I think about it, I suppose the least of my post-apocalypse problems would be eating canned green beans.

Anyway, this picture kind of reminds me of that creepy Liver Pate En Masque.  And let me tell you, that did not inspire confidence.

But I was still down with forcing Tom to eat it. And make a video out of making it AND forcing Tom to eat it.



“This is actually good.”

“Seriously? I expected you to spit it out!”

“Nope. And you can’t even taste the green beans.”

The Verdict: Good

From the Tasting Notes –

So, hats off to mid-century cooks. They ruined gelatin for an entire generation, but you have to admit that they were outstanding dip makers. Seriously. They made legitly good dip from canned green beans. It was creamy and spicy, and had a little green bean tang to it. Not so much that you wanted to spit it out, but just enough to trick you into thinking green beans actually make a good dip. All in all, a happy surprise that may have redeemed pureed canned green beans for me.  Dip of The Apocalypse, here I come!
