by RetroRuth | Jun 7, 2019 | Appetizers, Cocktail Party, Easter, Eggs, Holiday
This week I thought I would post about the Deviled Eggs I made for Easter. And since these are from the Nancy Drew Cookbook, there is mystery meat involved. Because you can’t have Nancy Drew without a mystery. Here are Savory Deviled Eggs and Double Deviled Eggs! From...
by RetroRuth | Jun 7, 2017 | Easter, Eggs, Holiday, Main Dishes
This week we have yet another deviled egg recipe. I can’t stop, and I don’t know if I want to. This is Deviled Egg Casserole! From Newspaper Clipping, 1968 [cooked-sharing] This also is another newspaper recipe this week. If anyone can find the paper and the year, I...
by RetroRuth | Apr 19, 2017 | Eggs
I hope everyone had a great Easter! I don’t know about how things went down in your house, but my excited three-year-old dyed a lot of eggs this year. So I am taking advantage of all the hard-boiled eggs to experiment with some deviled egg variations. These are...
by RetroRuth | Jun 11, 2014 | Best & Worst, Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, The BEST
So, this year I was really happy that everyone was so enthusiastic about the 2014 Lamb Cake Gallery, because at the time I was less than pleased with the whole molded-cake scene. Why? Well, here is my chocolate bunny cake: Doesn’t look much like a bunny, does it?...
by RetroRuth | Jan 15, 2014 | Desserts
Ever wondered what to do when you only have a cup of cream, a blob of ketchup in the bottle and three eggs? Personally, I would just make scrambled eggs and have a cup of coffee, but it turns out that with those ingredients you can also make a quick dessert! This is...