
I hope everyone had a great Easter! I don’t know about how things went down in your house, but my excited three-year-old dyed a lot of eggs this year.  So I am taking advantage of all the hard-boiled eggs to experiment with some deviled egg variations.


These are California Dip Deviled Eggs!


Tested Recipe!


 8 hard-boiled eggs
 1 cup California Dip
 ¼ cup finely chopped celery
 ½ tsp lemon juice


Cut eggs in half lengthwise. Remove yolks and mash; blend in California Dip, celery and lemon juice. Generously fill egg white halves, then chill.


 8 hard-boiled eggs
 1 cup California Dip
 ¼ cup finely chopped celery
 ½ tsp lemon juice



Cut eggs in half lengthwise. Remove yolks and mash; blend in California Dip, celery and lemon juice. Generously fill egg white halves, then chill.

California Dip Deviled Eggs

I’ll see you later, chicken sandwich spread.


I know, I know. We all know how this will probably end, and this recipe is a just paper-thin excuse for Lipton to try and push yet more onion soup mix into our lives, but I always look at recipes like this and just wonder how good they really are.

Which I guess is the whole reason I have this blog! Bonus: Now you are forced to experience it as well.


Okay. So, mixed up it pretty much just looks like onion soup dip.


It didn’t change much after I had loaded it into the whites. Unlike the normal brightly yellow colored deviled eggs, the onion dip made this kind of a sad, gray-yellow color. Taupe, maybe? In any case, I followed the example in the recipe picture and gave them a dash of paprika to brighten them up.

Or, a bit more than a dash on the eggs Alex “helped” with.



“Are they bad.”

“No. They are just absolutely nothing like deviled eggs.”

The Verdict: Not Deviled Eggs

From The Tasting Notes –

If you like onion dip (or, California Dip), than these might just be the eggs for you. Unsurprisingly, they tasted mostly like onion dip and not really at all like regular deviled eggs. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. They were good. They tasted like a creamier, thicker onion dip squirted into egg whites. Alex actually bypassed the finished deviled eggs and just dipped some chips straight into the leftover yolk/dip concoction in the bowl and proceeded to eat a great deal of it. (There was a LOT leftover after filling the whites. Maybe I needed to load them up a bit more.) Interestingly, even though the eggs are pictured in the recipe with paprika on them, the paprika was actually kind of a gross addition. The eggs that weren’t sprinkled with it tasted much better.


“I’m making Daddy’s face!”

