
This week I thought I would post about the Deviled Eggs I made for Easter. And since these are from the Nancy Drew Cookbook, there is mystery meat involved. Because you can’t have Nancy Drew without a mystery.


Here are Savory Deviled Eggs and Double Deviled Eggs!


From The Nancy Drew Cookbook, Clues To Good Cooking, by Carolyn Keene, 1974

Tested Recipe!


 6 hard-boiled eggs
 1 tsp vinegar or pickle juice
 ¼ tsp dry mustard
 ½ tsp salt
 ½ tsp Worcestershire SAuce
 4 tbsp mayonnaise
 Other Optional Add-Ins: Parlsey, Chives, Pickles, Olives, Anchovies, Sauteed Mushrooms, Grated Onion or Onion Powder, Deviled Ham or Ground Cooked Ham


Carefully cut eggs into halves lengthwise and remove yolks.


Mash yolks or force through a sieve. Add vinegar, seasonings, add-ins, and enough mayonnaise to moisten.


Pile yolk mixture in the halves of egg white; sprinkle with paprika.


 6 hard-boiled eggs
 1 tsp vinegar or pickle juice
 ¼ tsp dry mustard
 ½ tsp salt
 ½ tsp Worcestershire SAuce
 4 tbsp mayonnaise
 Other Optional Add-Ins: Parlsey, Chives, Pickles, Olives, Anchovies, Sauteed Mushrooms, Grated Onion or Onion Powder, Deviled Ham or Ground Cooked Ham



Carefully cut eggs into halves lengthwise and remove yolks.


Mash yolks or force through a sieve. Add vinegar, seasonings, add-ins, and enough mayonnaise to moisten.


Pile yolk mixture in the halves of egg white; sprinkle with paprika.

Nancy Drew’s Deviled Eggs

Oh my goodness, when I saw there was a Nancy Drew cookbook, I almost cried. I love Nancy Drew. Love! Those books were some of the first books (along with Betsy & Tacey) to introduce me to the fact that books could be set in another time period. I used to run my fingers over the illustrations in my vintage Nancy Drew books and think how pretty their clothes were and how interesting their hair was. For an 80’s girl, 1930’s style was very different and very fun.


On Easter, I was standing in my kitchen, surrounded by cartons of dyed hard-boiled eggs, and I turned to my mother-in-law and said:

“Do you have a good recipe for deviled eggs?”

She rolled her eyes. “How do you not have a recipe? You have way more recipes than I do.”

And she was right. In fact, I have loads of stuff just sitting in my office dying to see the light of day. So I waded through some of my recent additions to my cookbook collection (Thank you to reader Old And Grumpy! We love everything!) and found the Nancy Drew Cookbook. I looked for a deviled egg recipe, and found just what I wanted. The recipe even had one of those, “cover all the bases” lists where they list tons of extra mix-ins. None of them looked too crazy, but then I saw “deviled ham” and decided that I wanted to double devil some eggs.

But since I wasn’t sure how they would turn out, and Alex really doesn’t like deviled ham, I decided to make a simpler recipe to start, then add in as I went.


So the extras here are parsley and some onion powder.


And then adding deviled ham to half. Which I am officially dubbing “Double Deviled Eggs”.


“I dub thee Sir Double Egg.”

“That’s enough. Just put the paprika on.”

“You have no sense of humor.”

“Yeah, Dad,” Alex piped up, “You’re a stick in the mud!”

“Where did you learn that from?”

“I heard you say it to Mom yesterday.”


There! Deviled and double deviled and done.


“Don’t look so sad. They can’t be bad.”

“They aren’t. But these ham ones just taste like deviled ham.”

The Verdict: Powerful Ham

From The Tasting Notes –

The Savory eggs were really good. A solid recipe that tasted like deviled eggs should. The Double Deviled tasted like creamy, strong….deviled ham. I am pretty sure that a little deviled ham goes a long way, so I may have put in too much. If you are going to make these for whatever reason, make sure you add just a bit of deviled ham at first, then add more as you need it from there. That being said, both eggs were good and all of them were devoured by the end of the meal. So, Nancy Drew’s deviled eggs win the day.

And she would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for that pesky Tom.
