by RetroRuth | Jan 15, 2016 | Cocktail Party, Cocktails
It’s Friday and it’s time for a drink! This is Turf! From The Culvert Party Encyclopedia, 1965 [cooked-sharing] I always love the cover of The Calvert Party Encyclopedia. So classy. “What does it taste like?” “It tastes like a lot of things.” The Verdict: Complicated...
by RetroRuth | Mar 27, 2015 | Best & Worst, Cocktail Party, Cocktails, The BEST
Let’s pretend it’s summer and have a citrus-y cocktail! This is Pompano! From Playboy's Bar Guide, 1971 [cooked-sharing] Well, we aren’t Florida-bound or anything, we just wish we were. Also, we left out the ice in the finished drink, because the ice in the shaker...
by RetroRuth | Oct 10, 2014 | Cocktail Party, Cocktails
Who’s ready for a cocktail? This is Robert Burns! From 2-in-1 International Recipe Cards, 1977 [cooked-sharing] Call Mr. Plow, that’s my name, that name again is Mr. Plow! “How is it?” “It’s strong, but pretty good.” The Verdict: Pretty Good From The Tasting Notes...