
Good morning and happy Sunday, everybody! Let’s have something bright and cheerfully orange.


No, it isn’t a mimosa — sorry. It’s Orange Yam Cookies!



Tested Recipe!


 1 package orange cake mix
 1 ¼ cups cooked mashed yams
 2 eggs
 3 ½ oz flaked coconut
 ½ cup chopped pecans


Beat eggs; blend in yams. Stir in remaining ingredients.


Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls 2 inches apart on lightly greased cookie sheet.


Bake in 375° gas oven 12 to 15 minutes.


Remove from sheet; cool on a rack.


 1 package orange cake mix
 1 ¼ cups cooked mashed yams
 2 eggs
 3 ½ oz flaked coconut
 ½ cup chopped pecans



Beat eggs; blend in yams. Stir in remaining ingredients.


Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls 2 inches apart on lightly greased cookie sheet.


Bake in 375° gas oven 12 to 15 minutes.


Remove from sheet; cool on a rack.

Orange Yam Cookies

This fell into the category of recipes that I really don’t know what to expect from.


Things that start with “box of cake mix” might be an amazing innovation.


They might also be incredibly disappointing.


Trying to fit cake mix and sweet potatoes together, and then calling it a cookie — I’m pretty afraid this is going to be one of those disappointing recipes.


“Wait, why are you wearing a tropical shirt? This has oranges and sweet potatoes.”

“Oh, I was focusing on the coconut. It has coconut, right? Thought that’s what you ran out to the store for.”

“… Sure, ok, that works. Eat the cookie.”


This confused expression didn’t go away for a few bites. “What’s the problem?”

“You said sweet potatoes. I don’t taste any.”

Verdict: Orange.

From the tasting notes:

Should be called Orange Cupcake Surprise Bites. This is much more of a cake texture than a cookie, almost like mini cupcakes. No sweet potato flavor. As orange cake goes, it was a bit dense, but also delicious.

From the chef’s notes:

These do just taste like orange cake. But, there’s something important to note here: it’s cake made with sweet potatoes (good sources of fiber and vitamins), instead of oil and water. I wouldn’t call these healthy, but they are probably better for you than regular cake preparation.
