
This year for Valentine’s Day, I think you need to give your sweetie a big heart full of ham dip.


This is Heart-and-Dart Dip!


From Ten P.M. Cookbook, Good Housekeeping Magazine, 1958

Tested Recipe!


 4.25 oz can deviled ham
 6 oz cream cheese
 1 tsp lemon juice
 1 tsp horseradish
 Stick pretzels


From foil, cut out 2 7"-long hearts. Place one on top of the other. Fold edges over to make a rim.


Combine deviled ham, cheese, lemon juice, and horseradish. Spoon into the heart.


Stick pretzels into ham dip.


Since pretzels soften on standing, serve most of the pretzels in a small bowl on the side.


 4.25 oz can deviled ham
 6 oz cream cheese
 1 tsp lemon juice
 1 tsp horseradish
 Stick pretzels



From foil, cut out 2 7"-long hearts. Place one on top of the other. Fold edges over to make a rim.


Combine deviled ham, cheese, lemon juice, and horseradish. Spoon into the heart.


Stick pretzels into ham dip.


Since pretzels soften on standing, serve most of the pretzels in a small bowl on the side.

Heart-And-Dart Dip

This recipe is from the ever-fabulous Ten P.M. Cookbook, which was put out by Good Housekeeping Magazine in 1958.  It’s a party and late night snack cookbook, and is infamous around the internet for the “Teen-Age Triumph” party photo, showing a bunch of “jaunty” hot dogs upright in a vat of baked beans.



But that’s not what we are here for this week. This week we have another horseradish dip to show off (which is just a coincidence, I swear), and this one is served in a nifty aluminum foil heart, and is served with a bunch of pretzel sticks “jauntily” sticking out of it.

Ahem, again.


This one is actually kind of fun, because I got to make the foil heart. And by “I” I actually mean, “I did it badly, and then had Tom help me the second time around so then we finally got it right.”

Tom’s a pretty good one with the arts and crafts.


Yet again this week, this dip mixed up into a pink-ish goo in no time flat, so there really wasn’t a lot of action to photograph.

I left all the action to the pretzels.


There it is.


And don’t discount the warning about the pretzels going soggy. In the time it took me to take pictures of this thing, the pretzels sticking out of it had already become uncomfortably soggy. In fact, I wouldn’t have eaten them.

But Tom has no problem with soggy pretzels, so he dove right in.



“How is it?”

“It doesn’t make me feel like you love me.”

“No, seriously.”

“Are you sure this is for Valentine’s Day? It tastes more like Easter dinner.”

The Verdict: It’s Pink Goo

From The Tasting Notes –

This dip tastes like ham. It’s good, but just not what we would normally think of as a dip. It’s mild and creamy, and the horseradish taste is really masked by the cream cheese. This would be better as a sandwich spread, and much, much better if it was served with salty potato chips rather than pretzels.

Delicious Vintage Valentine’s Day Recipe Suggestions:

Chocolate Cherry Chews with Cherry Chip Frosting


Brandied Coffolatte

