
You know, I was trying to come up with some really clever intro for this post, but as I was editing these photos, I realized I don’t have to be clever. I already did all that work.


Because I made sandwiches in the shape of dogs.

These are French Poodle Hero Sandwiches!



From Hellmann's Advertisement

Tested Recipe!


 French bread and French or Hoagie rolls
 Cold Cuts
 Curly Parsley or Kale
 Black olives

For Puppies

Slice French roll and fill with cold cuts, cheese, pimiento, tomato, and pickles. Attach black olives with toothpicks for eyes and nose. Attach cold cuts or tomatoes for ears. Use parsley for the tail.

Momma Poodle

Use two-thirds of a loaf for Italian or French bread for the body. Use the heel for the neck and bread slices for ears. Attach with toothpicks. Add a French roll for a face. Stand on breadstick legs and use parsley for garnish.


 French bread and French or Hoagie rolls
 Cold Cuts
 Curly Parsley or Kale
 Black olives


For Puppies

Slice French roll and fill with cold cuts, cheese, pimiento, tomato, and pickles. Attach black olives with toothpicks for eyes and nose. Attach cold cuts or tomatoes for ears. Use parsley for the tail.

Momma Poodle

Use two-thirds of a loaf for Italian or French bread for the body. Use the heel for the neck and bread slices for ears. Attach with toothpicks. Add a French roll for a face. Stand on breadstick legs and use parsley for garnish.

French Poodle Hero Sandwiches

Now, as you all know, Hellmann’s really pulled out all the stops when they were doing their vintage advertising. This is the third Hellmann’s ad that has been recreated on the blog. The first was Aspic Aquarium, which was reenacted (complete with lots of alcohol consumption) by Carolyn. The second was Frosty The Slaw Man, also done with the help of Carolyn. Now I bring you Poodle Hero Sandwiches, and yes, Carolyn is involved.

Do you see a theme here?

I might have to start sending Carolyn these weird Hellmann’s ads weekly. I will start with this one. Then maybe this guy. If you have any ad suggestions to send to Carolyn, put them in the comments below.

But anyway, onto sandwiches.


Now, these sandwiches are on the very easy side compared to the other two recipes, which was good, because this was going on at the end of the night and we had a few drinks before this.


As I promised my guests, this recipe was more food sculpting than cooking anyway. It’s amazing what you can do with breadsticks and kale.


In fact, this was a lot easier and more fun than I thought it would be.



So easy that it gave me more time to take pictures. Hilarious pictures.


Then things went a little south. It was warm in the house, and the cream cheese we had been using to hold up Momma dog started to soften. And someone might have been trying to give her olive teats so that she could feed all her sandwich pups.


Either way, it was the beginning of the end.


It took us quite some time to get Momma back together again.


“Quick! Quick! Take the picture before she falls over again!”

But of course, our lack of dog-making abilities had no impact on what the sandwiches tasted like.


“How are they?”

“I think I bit a toothpick.”

The Verdict: Pokey

From The Tasting Notes –

These were hilarious, but in the end, they were just regular sandwiches. Regular sandwiches bristling with toothpicks. We remade our doggies to look as much like the original picture as we could, just because I like to copy mid-century food styling, but you could really make these and have the sandwich fillings be anything. As long as you toothpick the right stuff to the outside, the inside doesn’t matter that much. That being said, these dogified sandwiches were pretty ordinary and not much to get excited about. Unless you are Alex. She ate one of this things every night for dinner until I deemed them too gross and old for her to eat anymore. Then she cried. So, if you’ve got a kid that doesn’t like sandwiches, make them a dogwich. Just try not to put too many toothpicks in it.
