Linda’s Tomato Aspic

Linda’s Tomato Aspic

Hooray!!!! This week’s installment of the Mid-Century Menu may be the easiest MCMenu ever. I am not kidding. My fabulous friend, Deb, didn’t just submit a fun recipe this week. Oh no. She MADE it for me and then the food was actually delivered to my house!  How great...
Spam and Egg Gelatin Mold

Spam and Egg Gelatin Mold

I love the Mid-Century Menu for so many reasons.  Well, not for taste reasons, but there are a lot of other good reasons the Mid-Century Menu is awesome.  One of them is that it gives me an excuse for my ridiculously huge cookbook collection. Another is that it gives...
Stuffed Eggs on Rice

Stuffed Eggs on Rice

Rice, rice, rice, rice! This week on the Mid-Century Menu, we dive into the field of rice recipes and rice preparation. The book on the left is 75 Glamorous Rice Dishes Economical, Too published by the Louisiana State Rice Milling Company, Inc., makers of Water-Maid...