by RetroRuth | Feb 10, 2017 | Best & Worst, Cocktail Party, Cocktails, The BEST
For Valentine’s Day, I thought we would bust out a pink drink. This is Raspberry Frappe! From ...and add a measure of gold, from Galliano, 1970 [cooked-sharing] I’ve got to be honest, though. The real reason I picked this is because Tom’s parent’s were recently...
by RetroRuth | Feb 5, 2016 | Cocktail Party, Cocktails
Even though it’s only February, we were in the mood for ice cream this week. An ice cream soda, to be specific. This is Adult Soda! From Discover Gold, Galliano, 1969 [cooked-sharing] The only difficultly we had with this one was a very determined toddler who wanted...
by RetroRuth | Jun 6, 2014 | Cocktail Party, Cocktails
By RetroRuth Welcome back to Vintage Cocktail Friday! This week we are finishing up our Wallbanger vs. Harvey Wallbanger comparison by making and drinking a Harvey Wallbanger! If only more of life’s challenges could be solved by having a drink. Harvey Wallbanger, 1970...