
From Consumer's Power Holiday Cookbook, 1971

Tested Recipe!


 1 cup canned green beans, well-drained
 1 ½ tsp milk
 8 oz softened cream cheese
 1 tbsp dried parsley, or 5 sprigs fresh parsley
 1 tsp salt
 ½ tsp wine vinegar
 few drops Tabasco sauce

Place green beans and milk in a blender container. Cover and blend on medium speed until smooth. Add cream cheese, parsley, seasoned salt, wine vinegar, and Tabasco sauce and blend until combined. Chill. Serve with chips or crackers.
Yield: 1 1/2 cups


 1 cup canned green beans, well-drained
 1 ½ tsp milk
 8 oz softened cream cheese
 1 tbsp dried parsley, or 5 sprigs fresh parsley
 1 tsp salt
 ½ tsp wine vinegar
 few drops Tabasco sauce



Place green beans and milk in a blender container. Cover and blend on medium speed until smooth. Add cream cheese, parsley, seasoned salt, wine vinegar, and Tabasco sauce and blend until combined. Chill. Serve with chips or crackers.
Yield: 1 1/2 cups

Surprise Dip
