
Today’s recipe is a real peach! (cue collective groans)

This is Peach Petal Salad!


Peach Petal Salad - 20 Easy New Peach Recipes

Tested Recipes!


 4 canned peach halves
 3 oz cream cheese
 2 tbsp syrup from canned peaches
 2 tbsp syrup from maraschino cherries
 1 tsp lemon juice
 ¾ cup shredded cococnut
 Greens for garnish
 Maraschino cherries for garnish


Chill peaches. Whip cheese with syrups and lemon juice. Fold in 1/2 the coconut. Chill thoroughly. Center garnished aserving plate with a mound of cheese mixture. Surround with drained peach halves. Sprinkle remaining coconut over cheese. Decorate with cherries.
Yield: 4 servings


 4 canned peach halves
 3 oz cream cheese
 2 tbsp syrup from canned peaches
 2 tbsp syrup from maraschino cherries
 1 tsp lemon juice
 ¾ cup shredded cococnut
 Greens for garnish
 Maraschino cherries for garnish



Chill peaches. Whip cheese with syrups and lemon juice. Fold in 1/2 the coconut. Chill thoroughly. Center garnished aserving plate with a mound of cheese mixture. Surround with drained peach halves. Sprinkle remaining coconut over cheese. Decorate with cherries.
Yield: 4 servings

Peach Petal Salad

This recipe is from a really cute pamphlet from the California Cling Peach Canners. It has lots of ideas for using peaches, and the recipes are both sweet and savory. And less than 2 of them are crisps/crumbles, so that is a win.  I have actually used it a couple of times when I needed to use up some peaches. Since I was opening this large jar of peaches from a local farm so that I could make Broiled Humdingers, I needed something quick and easy to make use of some of these canned lovelies.

Cream cheese swimming in syrup!

Oh, and if you want to check out the full peach pamphlet, I have my Digital Cookbook Library available for all my patrons over on Patreon. I know, right? Me with the shameless Patreon plug. But I really do enjoy the Patreon platform and interacting with the patrons on there. Plus, if four more patrons join, I will have the funding to start some fun culinary history emails!

That perfect shade of mid-century salmon-y pink. Thank goodness there isn’t actually salmon in this.

The recipe said you could just plop the cheese in a mound in the center, but my cheese was a little on the runny side. So I decided to mold it in a little ramekin and let it chill for a bit in the fridge.

Meanwhile, it’s time for some artistic peach arranging.

I ate all the salad greens in our house, so I decided to use some coconut as a peach-half stabilizer. Otherwise, those suckers slid everywhere.

Glorious. So let’s recap:

Easy? Check.

Pink? Check.

Totally A Salad? Double Check!

Winning dinner with mid-century fruit salads.

“This is really good.”

“I can tell. You are even smiling!”

“There is no way you can go wrong with this combo. These peaches were made for cream cheese.”

The Verdict: Made For Each Other

From The Tasting Notes –

This was very sweet and very good. It would be an easy dessert if it’s hot and you don’t feel like actually making anything with your peaches. Tom felt like there should be mini marshmallows added in for some reason, but it’s possible all this recipe testing has broken his brain. The peach syrup was kind of extra in the cream cheese. What really made it was the maraschino cherry syrup. The peach and cherry combo was yummy and tasted very summer-y. Overall, an easy win!
