
It’s time for a green cocktail!


This is Mint Highball.

Mint Highball
Author: John De Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials, 1965
  • 2 ounces Crème De Menthe (green)
  • Soda
  1. Pour liqueur over ice cubes in short high-ball glass. Add soda to fill.


Do you like the new glass? It was a recent score from the local antiques festival. Tom and I spent about 45 rushed minutes there recently, trying to see everything before the baby got too hot, too tired, too hungry, too wet, etc. etc. But it was worth it, because we got some awesome glasses.




“Is it minty?”

“Not really. What it needs is some ice cream. Chocolate ice cream.”


The Verdict: Bland

From The Tasting Notes –

This pretty much tasted like soda with a hint of mint in it. Not much going on. Could have really used a hit of chocolate syrup or some creme de cacao and some ice cream. Then it would be something!
