
It’s been hot around here lately, so this week we decided to make a frozen treat.


This is milk sherbet.


From Food for Home and Trade, Girls' Trades and Technical High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1942

Tested Recipe!


 4 cups whole milk
 Juice of 3 lemons
 1 ½ cups sugar


Mix juice and sugar, add milk slowly, stirring constantly (if milk is added too rapidly the mixture will have a curdles appearance). Freeze, using 6 to 8 parts ice to one part rock salt. (We halved the recipe and made it in a modern ice cream maker.)
Yield: Approximately 3 pt. sherbet


 4 cups whole milk
 Juice of 3 lemons
 1 ½ cups sugar



Mix juice and sugar, add milk slowly, stirring constantly (if milk is added too rapidly the mixture will have a curdles appearance). Freeze, using 6 to 8 parts ice to one part rock salt. (We halved the recipe and made it in a modern ice cream maker.)
Yield: Approximately 3 pt. sherbet

Milk Sherbet

This recipe comes from a book that I received for my birthday from Tom’s folks.  It’s called Food for Home and Trade and it is a textbook/cookbook from the Girls’ Trades and Technical High School in Milwaukee Wisconsin from 1942.  I love this book!!  I’m a big fan of home economics cookbooks in general, but I am especially excited about this one.  I’ve done a quick once-over, but it deserves a much closer look.  Not only does it give directions and specifications (doneness, color, texture) for food, but it also gives the reasons why they need to be served that way.  I’m very interested in their reasons and standards for gelatin molds.

In any case, I decided to give the ice cream maker a workout this week and I was really interested to see if this mixture would curdle when mixed together.  Tom came and looked over my shoulder while I was mixing.


“Are you mixing milk and a bunch of lemon juice?”


“There is no way this is going to work.”

“We’ll see, I guess.”




“How is it?”


The Verdict: Delicious

From the Tasting Notes –

This was surprisingly good, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it is actually genius.  I really enjoy the lemon ice smoothies at Culver’s, which are basically frozen lemonade and custard mixed together.  This milk sherbet tastes a lot like those, but is much simpler to make.  It was sweet and very mild.  Tasted a little bit like frozen yogurt because of the slight tang.  Not creamy, more of a crystalline texture.  The lemon flavor is mostly absorbed by the whole milk.  Alex said it “Tastes really good,” so it also got her vote.  Woulc be excellent with fresh berries.

*Note: This mixes together and froze well, but it did curdle when it became melty.  So do not let this melt and try to refreeze it!
