
So, everyone’s been waiting for me to make a meatloaf with hot dogs in it, right? Right?

Well, good news if you’ve been waiting. I’ve gone ahead and done it.


This is Frankfurter Meat Loaf!

Okay, before we get any farther into this post, I just want to say that any impure thoughts that this loaf or images of this loaf conjure up are in no way my fault and are completely the fault of your own imagination. Got that? This is all on you, not me. You. And in no way did I pick this because of any juvenile reason like, when I saw the recipe it made me laugh or because hot dogs coming out of a meatloaf are hilarious. I do not have thoughts like that and I would never think something like that.

So, if at this point you are laughing, it’s all on you. YOU!

Heh heh. Meat.

Anyways, onto the loaf!


From Cambpell's, 1965

Tested Recipe!


 1 can condensed tomato soup
 1 ½ pounds ground beef
 ½ cup fine dry breadcrumbs
 ½ tsp salt
 ¼ cup finely chopped onion
 1 egg
 1 dash pepper
 3 hot dogs
 1 tsp mustard


Mix thoroughly ½ cup soup and next 6 ingredients.


In shallow baking dish, shape half the mixture to form the bottom of a meatloaf 7x5". Top with frankfurters place lengthwise. Cover with remaining meat mixture, pressing firmly around frankfurters to form loaf.


Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.


Combine remaining soup and mustard. Spread over loaf and bake for 5 more mins.


 1 can condensed tomato soup
 1 ½ pounds ground beef
 ½ cup fine dry breadcrumbs
 ½ tsp salt
 ¼ cup finely chopped onion
 1 egg
 1 dash pepper
 3 hot dogs
 1 tsp mustard



Mix thoroughly ½ cup soup and next 6 ingredients.


In shallow baking dish, shape half the mixture to form the bottom of a meatloaf 7x5". Top with frankfurters place lengthwise. Cover with remaining meat mixture, pressing firmly around frankfurters to form loaf.


Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.


Combine remaining soup and mustard. Spread over loaf and bake for 5 more mins.

Frankfurter Meat Loaf

This recipe came from a little Campbell’s leaflet from 1965 called The Do-It-All Cookbook, and it was a promo for their excellent cookbook, “Cooking With Soup.” Everything in this leaflet contains, no shocker here, condensed tomato soup. Besides this great sample, there is also a cake (made with a cake mix and a can of soup), a salad dressing and a gelatin mold. Yum.


So, you may have already noticed in the picture that my meatloaf didn’t hang as well together as the picture. And if you are astute, you will see the reason. I forgot the egg. No egg means no binder and no binder means a crumbly meatloaf.

Learn from my mistakes, people. Don’t make them your own.


Remember: Any impure thoughts = You


At this point, it was actually going pretty well. Besides the whole forgotten egg debacle, the meatloaf was looking pretty good. I decided to not go the whole “free-form loaf” route and jam the whole thing into a loaf pan. I had some other things in the oven at the same time, and I didn’t need this thing “free-forming” on them.


And here it is fresh from the oven and smeared with a combination of tomato soup and mustard.


And now you see the structural issues. But you can’t keep a jaunty wiener down!

Impure thoughts = You


“How is it?”

“This thing is ridiculous.”

The Verdict: Not Bad

From The Tasting Notes –

Despite being packed with hot dogs for some unknown reason, this meatloaf actually wasn’t that bad. It had a bit of a goofy texture because of the lack of egg, but that wasn’t the loaf’s fault. It was a little bland, since most of the seasonings came from the tomato soup and the hot dogs. Strangely, the addition of hot dogs made the whole thing taste like canned corned beef hash. But other than that it was a perfectly acceptable loaf of meat. In a strange side note, the mustard and tomato soup topping was actually good with the loaf. So, bonus for that.
