by RetroRuth | Sep 19, 2012 | Casserole, Main Dishes, Pork
Tom and I can never say “no” to a food challenge. If you dare us to eat that chocolate-covered grasshopper, we eat it. If you tell us we can’t finish that sandwich, we finish it. And if you send us a crazy vintage recipe, we make it. No one knows this better than...
by RetroRuth | Apr 18, 2012 | Main Dishes, Pork
So, if you are anything like me, you have about eight pounds of leftover Easter Ham in your fridge or freezer right now, just mocking you. Well, maybe not mocking you. But it’s not exactly in there thinking about how it’s going to make itself into delicious dishes...
by RetroRuth | Mar 3, 2010 | Desserts, Main Dishes, Pasta
Happy Wednesday, All! Welcome to the Mid-Century Menu, where this week we are delving way back to the 1930’s, where Mueller’s has been “keeping faith with the American Housewife ever since the Sixties.” And yes, that would be the...
by RetroRuth | Oct 7, 2009 | Chicken, Main Dishes, Pasta
Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu! After last week’s Jellied Egg debacle, I am happy to report that this week there is not a bit of gelatin to be found in any of the dishes this week. At all. Thank goodness. That being said, it doesn’t mean...
by RetroRuth | Jul 15, 2009 | Fish, Main Dishes
Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu, the special portion of my blog where I choose a hilarious or crazy recipe from my vintage cookbook collection, cook it exactly as the recipe tells me (no matter how horrible), and then serve it up for dinner. My husband...