by RetroRuth | May 10, 2019 | Contests, Easter, Holiday, Lamb Cakes & Frostings
This is my favorite time of year! I absolutely love all the shared enthusiasm and love for the little lamb cake. I get so excited every year to see all the amazing cakes show up in my inbox. And there is always a special place in my heart for first-time lambs, or...
by RetroRuth | Feb 13, 2013 | Hello Jell-O, Hot Dogs & Mystery Meats, Main Dishes
So, a little bird over on Twitter informed me that this is National Jell-O Week. I had been planning on bringing you a feast of pizza excellence this week (it is pretty hilarious), but I put that one on hold for the love of gelatin. Also, I didn’t get anything made...
by RetroRuth | Mar 28, 2012 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, Lamb Cakes & Frostings
It’s Lamb Cake time!!! For the last two weeks I have been baking lamb cake after lamb cake in my grandmother’s vintage lamb cake pan. Why? Well, after this story came out in the Wall Street Journal, a ton of wonderful people emailed and snail-mailed me vintage recipes...
by RetroRuth | Feb 23, 2012 | MCMenu Fun
I was in The Wall Street Journal today with a mention of The Mid-Century Menu and some pictures of my annual Easter Lamb Cake! I am at the end of the awesome article Playing Kitchen Detective: Home Cooks Try to Recreate Family Recipes. My annual quest for the perfect...
by RetroRuth | Apr 27, 2011 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, Lamb Cakes & Frostings
Hello again and welcome to another fun vintage recipe test!!! This week we have a very important and serious thing to talk about. Lamb Cake. Every year since I have been about 16 I have tried to make a cake in the shape of a lamb for Easter. I inherited a fantastic...