by RetroRuth | Aug 7, 2019 | Appetizers, Cocktail Party, Side Dishes & Salads, Vegetables
This week we have a really fun little appetizer that you can make in a few minutes. And it’s a great way to trick your kids into cooking! These are Cucumber Rings! From Michigan Consolidated Gas Holiday Cookbook, 1970 [cooked-sharing] This recipe is from the Michigan...
by RetroRuth | Nov 8, 2017 | Best & Worst, Hello Jell-O, The WORST
I have a rather serious unveiling this week. A serious gelatin mold unveiling. This is how emotionally invested in this I really am. With great seriousness, I present: Mt. Fuji King Crab Salad. From "Mealtime Magic" with Fancy Japanese King Crab Meat, 1950...
by RetroRuth | Jul 20, 2011 | Contests, Hello Jell-O
I can’t believe it. Tom and I are almost completely finished testing tuna recipes, our fridge is full of moldy, in-edible tuna leftovers and this is the third finalist in our “Let’s Sing A Tune To Tuna Contest”! Wow. Time really does fly when you are having fun!...
by RetroRuth | Jul 6, 2011 | Contests, The WORST, Tom
Well, we’ve finally done it. After 10 cans of tuna and a bunch of recipe tests, we have finally found the first Finalist in our “Let’s Sing A Tune To Tuna Contest”. And it is quite the find, let me tell you. Gentle readers, I present to you…Tuna Fruit Salad....