by RetroRuth | Jul 31, 2020 | Desserts, Hello Jell-O, Side Dishes & Salads, Tested Recipes
This was a serious week at our house. We spent a lot of it discussing what we are going to do about our school situation. So after all that mental effort, I decided we all needed some fluff. This is Cherry Marshmallow Fluff! Cherry Marshmallow Fluff - From Favorite...
by RetroRuth | Jun 12, 2020 | Beans, Best & Worst, Side Dishes & Salads, Tested Recipes, The BEST
Well, hello again. Welcome back to another installment of “recipe tests that are chosen for me by patrons”. This week we have this lovely girl. And yes, under that perfectly browned, melty marshmallow-goodness IS a pile of lima beans! This is Lima Beans...
by RetroRuth | May 22, 2020 | Tested Recipes
This week I wanted to make something with crushed pineapple. I somehow ended up with a huge can, so I’m going to split it up into several dishes. But the first recipe I had kicking around was for these dessert bars. This is Quick Pineapple Dessert! From Favorite...
by RetroRuth | Apr 12, 2017 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts, Easter, Holiday, Lamb Cakes & Frostings
Behold! This year’s lamb. A coffee-flavored lamb cake. A man’s cake. A Man’s Cake Lamb Cake. From Personal Recipe Collection, approx 1960 This recipe, as pointed out by several wonderful readers, is a version of an early American groom's cake. To see the accompanying...
by RetroRuth | Apr 2, 2014 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts
Today we are taking a break from all the gross, and we are making a coffee cake. This is Heath Brunch Coffee Cake, because why wouldn’t you put candy on a coffee cake? Seriously. I’m asking you a question. Why haven’t you done this yet? Heath Brunch Coffee Cake...