
From Country Cookbook, Farm Journal, 1959

Tested Recipe!


 1 ½ cups sugar
 ½ cup cranberry juice
 ¼ cup water
 3 ½ cups rhubarb
 2 cups biscuit mix
 ½ tsp nutmeg
 1 tbsp oil
 1/3 to 1/2 cup milk
 2 tbsp softened butter

Combine 1 cup sugar, cranberry juice and water in a saucepan. Bring to boil and boil one minute.


Put half of the rhubarb in greased 8x8x2 inch pan.


Combine biscuit mix, 2 Tablespoons sugar and nutmeg. Add oil and milk to make a soft dough; knead lightly on a floured surface.


Roll into a 9-inch square. Spread with butter and sprinkle with remaining rhubarb and 4 Tablespoons sugar. Roll as jelly roll; seal; cut into 9 slices. Place slices cut side up over rhubarb. (Or, if you don't feel like making rolls, just drop batter on top of rhubarb in the pan and sprinkle toppings on top.) Pour over cranberry syrup and sprinkle with 2 Tablespoons sugar.


Bake in 425-degree oven 25 to 30 minutes. Serve warm.
Yield: 9 servings


 1 ½ cups sugar
 ½ cup cranberry juice
 ¼ cup water
 3 ½ cups rhubarb
 2 cups biscuit mix
 ½ tsp nutmeg
 1 tbsp oil
 1/3 to 1/2 cup milk
 2 tbsp softened butter



Combine 1 cup sugar, cranberry juice and water in a saucepan. Bring to boil and boil one minute.


Put half of the rhubarb in greased 8x8x2 inch pan.


Combine biscuit mix, 2 Tablespoons sugar and nutmeg. Add oil and milk to make a soft dough; knead lightly on a floured surface.


Roll into a 9-inch square. Spread with butter and sprinkle with remaining rhubarb and 4 Tablespoons sugar. Roll as jelly roll; seal; cut into 9 slices. Place slices cut side up over rhubarb. (Or, if you don't feel like making rolls, just drop batter on top of rhubarb in the pan and sprinkle toppings on top.) Pour over cranberry syrup and sprinkle with 2 Tablespoons sugar.


Bake in 425-degree oven 25 to 30 minutes. Serve warm.
Yield: 9 servings

Rosy Rhubarb Swirls
