
From Baking Is Fun by Ann Pillsbury, 1945


 ¼ cup shortening
 ½ cup sugar
 4 egg yolks
 1 tsp vanilla
 1 cup flour
 1 ½ tsp baking powder
 ½ tsp salt
  cup half-and-half
 1 qt strawberry ice cream
 4 egg whites
  tsp salt
 ½ tsp cream of tartar
 1 cup sugar
 ½ tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.


Cream shortening. Add sugar, adding gradually and creaming well. Blend in egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla.


Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to creamed mixture, alternating with half-and-half. Beat well after each addition.


Pour batter into two 8-inch square or 9-inch round layer cake pans that have been greased and lined with waxed paper. Spread meringue over batter in each pan.


Bake in the oven for 35 minutes. Cool.


Release cake from sides of the pan with a spatula. Turn one layer out, meringue side down, on serving plate. Slice strawberry ice cream and arrange it in a level layer on the cake. Top with the second layer, meringue side up. Top with fresh strawberries, if desired.
Serve immediately.
Yield: 10 to 12 servings


Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. Sprinkle cream of tartar over egg whites and beat until stiff. Add half of the sugar, one tablespoon at a time, beating until dissolved. Add vanilla. Fold in the rest of the sugar gradually. If using electric mixer, all of the sugar may be beaten in until meringue is very stiff. Bake as directed above.



 ¼ cup shortening
 ½ cup sugar
 4 egg yolks
 1 tsp vanilla
 1 cup flour
 1 ½ tsp baking powder
 ½ tsp salt
  cup half-and-half
 1 qt strawberry ice cream
 4 egg whites
  tsp salt
 ½ tsp cream of tartar
 1 cup sugar
 ½ tsp vanilla



Preheat oven to 325 degrees.


Cream shortening. Add sugar, adding gradually and creaming well. Blend in egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla.


Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to creamed mixture, alternating with half-and-half. Beat well after each addition.


Pour batter into two 8-inch square or 9-inch round layer cake pans that have been greased and lined with waxed paper. Spread meringue over batter in each pan.


Bake in the oven for 35 minutes. Cool.


Release cake from sides of the pan with a spatula. Turn one layer out, meringue side down, on serving plate. Slice strawberry ice cream and arrange it in a level layer on the cake. Top with the second layer, meringue side up. Top with fresh strawberries, if desired.
Serve immediately.
Yield: 10 to 12 servings


Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. Sprinkle cream of tartar over egg whites and beat until stiff. Add half of the sugar, one tablespoon at a time, beating until dissolved. Add vanilla. Fold in the rest of the sugar gradually. If using electric mixer, all of the sugar may be beaten in until meringue is very stiff. Bake as directed above.

Meringue Torte
