
From Fort Worth Star Telegram, 1970

Tested Recipe!


 10 ripe bananas
 1 small package chocolate pudding
 2 cups milk
 Popsicle sticks
 Chopped nuts and coconut for topping

Make instant pudding with milk according to package directions. Peel bananas, cut in half if desired, insert sticks and dip into thickened pudding. Leave plain or roll in nuts or coconut as desired. Place on waxed paper on a cookie sheet and freeze immediately.


 10 ripe bananas
 1 small package chocolate pudding
 2 cups milk
 Popsicle sticks
 Chopped nuts and coconut for topping



Make instant pudding with milk according to package directions. Peel bananas, cut in half if desired, insert sticks and dip into thickened pudding. Leave plain or roll in nuts or coconut as desired. Place on waxed paper on a cookie sheet and freeze immediately.

Easy Chocolate Pudding Covered Frozen Bananas
