
From The Queen's Book, 1967

Tested Recipe!


 2 slices bacon
 2 cups flour
 3 tsp baking powder
 ½ tsp salt
 3 tbsp sugar
 1 egg
 1 cup milk
 2 tbsp bacon fat

Grease muffin pans with 12 medium cup capacity. Pan broil bacon until done, drain and crumble.


Sift flour, measure and resift 3 times with the next three ingredients, the last time into 3 qt. mixing bowl. Add crisp bacon and stir.


Beat egg, stir in milk and melted fat. Add to dry ingredients all at once; stir quickly until flour is just dampened, then give 4 or 5 more stirs. The batter should not be smooth.


Spoon into prepared pans, filling cups ⅔ full. Bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes or until browned.


 2 slices bacon
 2 cups flour
 3 tsp baking powder
 ½ tsp salt
 3 tbsp sugar
 1 egg
 1 cup milk
 2 tbsp bacon fat



Grease muffin pans with 12 medium cup capacity. Pan broil bacon until done, drain and crumble.


Sift flour, measure and resift 3 times with the next three ingredients, the last time into 3 qt. mixing bowl. Add crisp bacon and stir.


Beat egg, stir in milk and melted fat. Add to dry ingredients all at once; stir quickly until flour is just dampened, then give 4 or 5 more stirs. The batter should not be smooth.


Spoon into prepared pans, filling cups ⅔ full. Bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes or until browned.

Bacon Muffins
