
This week we are going to do a quick popcorn topping recipe.


This is Nibble Bait!


From Christmas Recipes, Consumer's Power, 1968

Tested Recipe!


 6 cups unsalted popcorn
  cup butter
 6 drops Tabasco sauce
 ½ tsp paprika
  cup Parmesan cheese
 Salt or Garlic salt


Cover a shallow pan (15.5x10.5x1 inch) with popcorn. Place in a preheated 350-degree oven for 5 minutes. Melt butter, cool slightly, add Tabasco sauce, paprika, and Parmesan cheese. Slowly pour over corn, mixing to coat well. Season with salt or garlic salt. Serve immediately or keep piping hot in a low-temperature oven set at 140 degrees.


 6 cups unsalted popcorn
  cup butter
 6 drops Tabasco sauce
 ½ tsp paprika
  cup Parmesan cheese
 Salt or Garlic salt



Cover a shallow pan (15.5x10.5x1 inch) with popcorn. Place in a preheated 350-degree oven for 5 minutes. Melt butter, cool slightly, add Tabasco sauce, paprika, and Parmesan cheese. Slowly pour over corn, mixing to coat well. Season with salt or garlic salt. Serve immediately or keep piping hot in a low-temperature oven set at 140 degrees.

Nibble Bait


This is another recipe made by Carolyn at my house. She brought the popcorn, and we slathered it with buttery toppings.


This was a really easy one, so that was a great plus. It left us plenty of time to build bread dog sandwiches, which I think we were doing simultaneously.


It was really easy, and it gave me the same feeling of pride/hunger as when I make Chex Party Mix. And I was sure Tom would totally love this one, because he loves cheese popcorn.


“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this might be too cheesy for me. That Parmesan taste is strong.”

“You like strong cheese flavor.”

“I don’t like my popcorn to taste like feet.”

The Verdict: Strong Cheese

From The Tasting Notes –

Overall, this was fun and easy to make, but maybe not the the greatest choice of cheese. It did have a very pronounced Parmesan taste, but the other flavors came through well too. Tabasco and garlic were very prominent. I think Tom was expecting a more mellow cheese flavor, but this was a Parmesan punch to taste buds. Tom may not have been a big fan, but others really liked it, especially the tabasco flavor. It was definitely salty and cheesy, and was excellent with beer and strong drinks. When we make this again, I think I will either mix the Parmesan with another, more mellow cheese, or maybe just cut down on the amount of cheese in the recipe.
