
Since St. Patrick’s Day is rapidly approaching, I thought I would test out some green gelatin.


This is Lime Rice Mold!


From Unusual Old World and American Recipes, 1972

Tested Recipe!


 6 oz lime gelatin
 1 cup mini marshmallows
 2 cups cooked rice
 1 small can crushed pineapple
 1 cup whipping cream


Dissolve the packages of gelatin in 2 cups of hot water. Cool and pour into mold. Chill until firm


Chill together pineapple, marshmallows and rice.


Dissolve the second package of gelatin in boiling water. Chill until partially set. Whip gelatin. Fold in whipped cream and other chilled ingredients. Pour into mold and refrigerate until set.


 6 oz lime gelatin
 1 cup mini marshmallows
 2 cups cooked rice
 1 small can crushed pineapple
 1 cup whipping cream



Dissolve the packages of gelatin in 2 cups of hot water. Cool and pour into mold. Chill until firm


Chill together pineapple, marshmallows and rice.


Dissolve the second package of gelatin in boiling water. Chill until partially set. Whip gelatin. Fold in whipped cream and other chilled ingredients. Pour into mold and refrigerate until set.

Lime Rice Mold

This recipe is from the fantastic Unusual Old World and American Recipes, from the fine people at Nordic Ware, and published in 1972.

Despite the name, and the fact that it contains a recipe for Fish Surprise Sticks, there are actually quite a few excellent recipes to use with your bundt pan in this pamphlet. The classic Tunnel of Fudge, the White House Fruit Cake, 7-UP Pound cake, and many other greats.  It also pretty easy to find, I come across it quite frequently at thrifts and antique shops. Much of it is taken up with specialized recipes that are specific to a certain pan or gelatin mold they sold in the 1970’s, but these can be easily adapted to just about any pan. So I would consider this worth picking up if you come across it!


Whipped gelatin! I did it very easily in my stand mixer.


So, here is where I ran into some trouble. You’ve probably noticed how the mold is falling apart in the lead photo. It’s because if you do not use A LOT of cooking spray in a silicone mold, gelatin will stick to it. Pretty badly. I had to peel it out with my fingers in spots where it just bonded to the silicone. It turns out I didn’t get the cooking spray into all the points of the swirl, and so doomed myself.


But the whipped gelatin part with the added whipped cream slid out perfectly. Absolutely perfectly. So, I would recommend using a silicone mold for creamy textured gelatin molds, but not for plain gelatin unless you are really confident in your ability to completely coat the inside of your mold with cooking spray.


Sniff. Such a tragic fail.


But it still tasted the same either way, so here we go.


“There’s something wrong with this, isn’t there?”

“Probably. There’s something wrong with almost every gelatin I’ve ever made.”



“That’s…not coconut. Is it.”

“No, that would be rice.”

“Did you even cook it? It’s crunchy!”

The Verdict: Crunchy

Despite the silicone mold debacle, the rice was the real downfall of this gelatin. Overall it was pretty tasty, except for the chewy texture from the rice. At first it wasn’t so bad, when you took a bite the rice balanced out the sweetness of the gelatin and gave it an interesting texture. It almost tasted like coconut. But then you would chew for longer and all the soft, melting parts of the gelatin would be gone and all you would be left with was a mouthful of plain rice. Rice that you still need to chew for a while to be able to swallow it. This texture difference made it almost seem like the rice was chewier than it really was.  I feel like the rice should have been cooked for longer so would dissolve easier in your mouth.  Otherwise, this would be perfectly fine without the rice, so feel free to leave it out. Or even substitute coconut for the rice. Or, if you really enjoy chewing on rice for a long time, then you can make it just as it is.
