
This week we are going to cut through the bull and lay it right on the table:

I made this vintage aspic because I wanted to see what it tasted like. Because that is what we do here on Mid-Century Menu.


That’s it. End of story.

Will 7-Up and canned consommé in a gelatin taste good or bad together?


From The Seven-Up Company, Food From Famous Kitchens, The Brand Names Cook Book, 1961

Tested Recipe!


 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
 ½ of a 10.5 oz of bouillon or consomme
 1 cup tomato juice
 7 oz 7-Up
 ¼ tsp Worcestershire sauce
 1 cup stuffed olives


Dissolve gelatin into bouillon or consommé. Heat tomato juice to boiling and stir in gelatin mixture. Stir in 7-Up and Worcestershire sauce. Chill until slightly thickened, then stir in olives. Pour into a 1-quart mold (ring) and chill until firm.
Yield: 6 servings



 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
 ½ of a 10.5 oz of bouillon or consomme
 1 cup tomato juice
 7 oz 7-Up
 ¼ tsp Worcestershire sauce
 1 cup stuffed olives



Dissolve gelatin into bouillon or consommé. Heat tomato juice to boiling and stir in gelatin mixture. Stir in 7-Up and Worcestershire sauce. Chill until slightly thickened, then stir in olives. Pour into a 1-quart mold (ring) and chill until firm.
Yield: 6 servings

Jellied Tomato-Olive Mold

This book came from Food From Famous Kitchens, The Brand Names Cook Book from 1961. This is a great one if you want to see what recipes brand test kitchens were putting out but you don’t want to collect a bunch of pamphlets. You can also get it for a pretty good price, usually under $5. This book is wild and has some “great” recipes and photos. It includes companies like Pet Milk, Uncle Ben’s, Welches and various commissions like the Green Olive Commission and the National Red Cherry Institute.

Did the test kitchen of The Seven-Up Company know what they were doing?

I have my doubts, so let’s get cooking.


Mmmm. Beefy.


On the plus side, this recipe came together in about five minutes, so that’s points in its favor. So you can quickly get it ready to accompany whatever you are supposed to serve it with.

And I’m not really sure what that would be. Is it a relish for meat? Is it supposed to be served as a salad course? Maybe it was one of those salads meant for a summer sandwich plate, the one with all the meats and cheeses spread out where people were supposed to assemble their own sandwiches. A porch supper plate? I think that’s what it was called.


So. Many. Olives.

“What in the name of…what is this? It smells like tomato soup.”

“It’s tomato juice and…well…maybe you should just try it.”

“I hate it when you say that.”



“It’s fizzing. Why is it fizzing?”

“That would be the 7-Up.”

“Of course it is.”


“Not too bad. Tastes a bit like goulash.”

“Is it really salty? I was thinking it would be a salt-lick.”

“Not too bad, actually.”

The Verdict: Not Too Bad

From The Tasting Notes –

After a lot of thinking and discussion, we aren’t really sure what this tasted like. It was beefy with a distinct tomato flavor. It fizzed when you ate it, which was unexpected and slightly disturbing. It didn’t taste too salty or too sweet, which I was afraid was going to happen. It was a lot like a relish, which supports my cold sandwich accompaniment theory. The closest we could get flavor-wise would be if you put a spoonful of cold stew or beef soup in your mouth and drank 7-Up at the same time, which is strangely like the Cherry-Catsup Gelatin we recently made. Except this gelatin was actually edible, unlike that crazy ketchup thing which was just a big waste of time. Overall, I would say this one is weird but not unpleasant. If you are feeling adventurous you could make it the next time you have sandwiches and let us know if it went well with them!
