
Happy Friday! Who wants some beans? Some beans in the shape of a loaf?


This is Cheese and Bean Loaf!


From Success In Seasonings, Lea & Perrins, 1930

Tested Recipe!


 1 pound can kidney beans
 ½ pound American cheese
 1 medium-sized onion
 1 tbsp butter
 1 cup dry bread crumbs or Panko
 2 eggs
 1 tsp salt
 1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce


Drain all the liquid from the beans. Pulse cheese and beans in a food processor until they are chopped into small pieces, but not until they are mush.


Cook the chopped onion in the butter until soft. Add to the cheese and bean mixture in a bowl. After the onions have cooled slightly, add the rest of the ingredients and mix them together well.


Mold into a roll or loaf, or pack into a loaf pan. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle or roll in more breadcrumbs


Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes or until well browned and the cheese has melted. Serve with your choice of sauce.


 1 pound can kidney beans
 ½ pound American cheese
 1 medium-sized onion
 1 tbsp butter
 1 cup dry bread crumbs or Panko
 2 eggs
 1 tsp salt
 1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce



Drain all the liquid from the beans. Pulse cheese and beans in a food processor until they are chopped into small pieces, but not until they are mush.


Cook the chopped onion in the butter until soft. Add to the cheese and bean mixture in a bowl. After the onions have cooled slightly, add the rest of the ingredients and mix them together well.


Mold into a roll or loaf, or pack into a loaf pan. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle or roll in more breadcrumbs


Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes or until well browned and the cheese has melted. Serve with your choice of sauce.

Cheese and Bean Loaf

This recipe is from a recipe book put out by Lea & Perrins (yes, the ones that make Worcestershire sauce) called Success in Seasonings which was published in 1930. IMG_0792



And a big ole chunk of Tom’s favorite, American cheese. (He actually hates it.)


Here is the cheese and beans after a run through the food processor. I wanted to leave it a bit chunky to mimic being put through a grinder vs. being processed. (Note to self: You need to buy a flipping vintage grinder.)


Doused with a heaping helping of Worcestershire sauce. Interesting side note: This recipe represents the last of my (large) bottle of Worcestershire sauce. I never thought I’d see the day when I went through a bottle before it expired. I guess when you cook vintage, you use a lot of the sauce.


Here it is in a big, gooey log. I ended up using Panko for the bread crumbs, since the recipe didn’t specify dry or fresh breadcrumbs. Since there isn’t any liquid I was kind of worried that the Panko would be too dry, but I’m glad I went with it. The two eggs made this thing really gooey. If I would have baked it right away, I would have just packed it into a loaf pan and washed my hands of it, but since I made this earlier in the day I was able to roll it up in some parchment paper and put it in the fridge. Because I really, really wanted to make a fancy roll out of this thing.




Well then.

So it spread out quite a bit, but this actually ended up looking really good. And it smelled good, too.


The lens got a little steamed up, but you can still see the texture.



“I know this taste.”

“Well, yeah. It’s American cheese.”

“No, not that. This tastes like something that you eat during a break on an endurance race. Like a mega power bar.”

“So, like it has a lot of calories?”


The Verdict: Rich

From The Tasting Notes –

This thing was dense and a little bit went a long way. This little loaf easily fed all four of us with about a quarter of it leftover. And yes, all of us ate it. Toddler TJ even powered down a slice, which was amazing because he normally is a pretty picky eater. (But maybe I have been feeding him the wrong stuff. His favorites so far are homemade applesauce with cinnamon, oatmeal, lime gelatin with cottage cheese, grilled cheese and this bean loaf. Maybe Tom and I accidentally gave TJ a mid-century palate?  Anyway, that was way off topic. Back to the loaf.) This loaf was soft, but it wasn’t as mushy as I thought it was going to be. It held its shape relatively well and I was able to slice it and serve the slices without them flopping all over the place. The taste was slightly bland, but not too bad. The flavor was mostly onion, cheese and Worcestershire and surprisingly didn’t taste like chili, which for some reason I was expecting while I was making this. We tried the loaf with a variety of bottled sauces (ketchup, mustard, hot sauce, BBQ sauce), but ended up liking steak sauce the best. The vinegar-y flavor really complimented the loaf. Overall, I would say this is a win!
