
Happy early Cinco de Mayo! This year, I am happy to bring you guacamole. And not any old guacamole, either.


This week we are making Boris Karloff’s Guacamole!!!


Tested Recipe!


 2 avocados
 1 medium tomato, chopped fine
 1 small onion, minced
 1 tbsp chopped canned green chilies
 1 tbsp lemon juice
 2 tsp sherry
 1 dash cayenne
 Salt and pepper to taste


Peel and mash avocados. Add tomato, onion, and chiles, then stir in lemon juice, sherry and seasonings to taste, blending well. Serve as a dip for tortilla pieces or corn chips or as a canape spread.
Yield: 10 to 12 appetizer servings


 2 avocados
 1 medium tomato, chopped fine
 1 small onion, minced
 1 tbsp chopped canned green chilies
 1 tbsp lemon juice
 2 tsp sherry
 1 dash cayenne
 Salt and pepper to taste



Peel and mash avocados. Add tomato, onion, and chiles, then stir in lemon juice, sherry and seasonings to taste, blending well. Serve as a dip for tortilla pieces or corn chips or as a canape spread.
Yield: 10 to 12 appetizer servings

Guacamole Boris Karloff

Aaaaaaaand….it’s also the same color as the Grinch!

Okay, I’ll stop.

So, if you follow my Instagram, I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had an amazing dinner party with my girlfriends where we played fun vintage music, made cocktails and then tested out like 20 mid-century recipes in a row. It was a total blast, and not everything was totally gross.


Spoiler: This was one of the not gross things.


“What are you guys doing in here? Practicing your cackling?”

“Sort of. And also making guacamole Now you must eat it.”


“What…exactly am I tasting here?”

“There’s sherry in it.”

“No wonder it’s so smooth.”

The Verdict: Different

From The Tasting Notes –

This was a good guacamole. It wasn’t the modern, cilantro-and-lime-juice-heavy stuff that we are used to. Don’t get me wrong, I love that stuff. I make it at least once a week. This was a more subtle, smoother tasting dip that was prominently avocado with hints of other flavors. Everyone liked it, and scarfed it down just as fast as we were drinking Kate’s extra strong drinks. In fact, it was the first dish that emptied on our table of “fun” horrors. This would be great if you want to try something different for Cinco de Mayo this year. And if you really like sherry.
