
Oh no you don’t. I am not giving up the name of the winner just yet.

I just want thank everyone (again!) for making this contest totally awesome. Thanks for sending in recipes, thanks for leaving comments, thanks for reading the posts, thanks for voting and THANK YOU for making this another really fun and disgusting contest.

And thanks again to our great sponsors, who provided all these great prizes!

Prize Collage

1. A Dorothy Thorpe Silver Band Large Salad Bowl that matches the fantabulous (and Mad Men famous) Roly Poly Trim glasses from our wonderful sponsor Brigitte from My Nifty Thrifty

2. Four lovely mid-mod print placemats from our friend and sponsor Renee from Crash Pad Designs!

3. A brand new copy of Thoroughly Modern Milkshakes by Adam Ried from W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

4. A set of handmade coasters from our friend Christy at OrWa Designs, which I am seriously jealous over!

6. A fabulous “Galactique” brooch from our fab friends at The CRAVEyard!

Wait…where’s “5”?

Oh, that’s right:

5. All of these fab prizes, which Tom so generously donated out of my own personal stash.

Okay, okay…I’ll get this show on the road and announce the winner!

I have to say, this one was a close one. For a while, I thought it was going to be everyone’s new favorite ice cream flavor, but in the end our winner came up fast from behind and ended up scoring a surprise win!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you…

Finalist #3: Molded Sea-Food Salad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seafood Salad

Congratulations, Michelle. You are the Grand Prize Winner in the Worst Category! And Tom couldn’t be happier, because he totally HATED this one.


Tom Seafood

Yeah. Now you see.

And for those finalists who didn’t take home the grand prize; we still love you, and your dishes were still awful. Congrats to you, too!

But this contest is NOT over!

We still have 6 more prize-winning finalists to announce, and we are going to start pointing fingers and naming names next week when we begin announcing the winners of the Best Recipe Category!
