by RetroRuth | Jun 8, 2011 | Contests
So, if you haven’t seen it by now, The Mid-Century Menu is having another contest! This time, we are doing a fun theme, “Let’s Sing A Tune to Tuna”, which promises to be both wonderful and eerily-awful based on the submissions I have gotten thus far. Tom and I totally...
by RetroRuth | May 6, 2009 | Cake & Cupcakes, Desserts
Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu! Normally, this is where I cook a terrifiying recipe from the 1950s or 1960s and serve it to my poor husband for dinner, but if you have been reading my blog this week you know that I am visiting my parents in Wisconsin. ...
by RetroRuth | Mar 25, 2009 | Beans, Side Dishes & Salads
So, Hubs and I had an idea the other day. I have a TON of vintage cookbooks that I have collected over the years, and I love to dig through them and try recipes. I was talking to Hubs about featuring a recipe every week on the blog from one of my cookbooks and...