Seafoam Cantaloupe Pie

Seafoam Cantaloupe Pie

Oh God.  You know we are going to make something truly terrible when we recieve a mid-century recipe from reader that has fascinated and horrified them for months, but also freaks them out too much for them to make it!  Thanks to reader Miss Marwood, who sent us this...
Squirt Chicken Barbecue

Squirt Chicken Barbecue

Welcome to this week’s Mid-Century Menu! For those of you who don’t know, this is my favorite feature on the blog, the one where I get to cook weird things out of vintage cookbooks and feed them to my husband for dinner. Delicious. In any case, this...
Eggs Oriental

Eggs Oriental

You know, I don’t consider myself to be the most orderly person. Or the most driven person. I have great ideas, but, like most people, a good majority of them never really pan out.  But here it is, only three weeks into my Mid-Century Menu project, and I have...